Friday, December 6, 2024

Frugal Friday - the Holiday Shopping Edition


Target store gcs are 10% off tomorrow & Sunday only. Clip the Circle Q to activate your discount. 

Hi everyone

I thought I'd switch things up & share some holiday shopping savings this time around. 

  • Last Friday Red Robin sent me an email regarding their gc deal. Earn $20 bonus card for every $50 spent. I needed no 2nd invitation, because I actually needed gcs for DS. I've had RR gcs in my Sams cart for about 2 weeks, but never bothered to check out. So glad I didn't, because this deal was way better. I jumped on the RR deal, because y'all know I love free money 😂 Bought $300 gcs, earned $120 free food (bonus cards) and cash back on my CC. 

  • Bought my guys' Christmas gifts that came with a $160 free gift. I've had my eye on this item for about 6 months and was actually planning on purchasing it. So when the BF free gift deal rolled around (there were 3 different gifts to choose from), I didn't think twice. I was a little bummed when this deal was still available on Cyber Monday, because Rakuten had 20% cash back vs 12% I received on BF. I'm still happy with my freebie, because it's something we can all use. I know that BF's gonna like the freebie as much as I do 😊

  • Used a $5 Birthday reward and purchased a Christmas gift for DS. I just paid the extra $5.xx in cash and checked another gift off his list. 

  • Got myself a free $170 WHBM dress with my Birthday reward (see above).

  • Eddie Bauer sent me another $10 reward as compensation for the delayed shipping (they had moved warehouses, so some items showed as backordered, but I've already received everything) on my previous order. When they had free shipping on Cyber Monday, I ordered DS another t-shirt. Paid $6.56 difference.

  • Kohls had our systems jackets as part of their BF sale, so I bought myself & DS 3 jackets each. Why so many? You can't find these jackets anywhere else. We've been wearing this brand for almost 20 years and it's our favorite. Also, the zippers keep breaking, so I figured it's best to keep spares. $50 per coat and $15 KC + 5% monthly reward ($2.50) = great deal 😊 

  • Did my Kohls shopping through Swagbucks (6% cash back vs Rakuten 1%). Then I redeemed for a discounted $25 Kohls gc and bought a Panini Press with the gc (paid the difference in cash, not realising I still had another $10 gc) and earned another $15 KC. 

    I actually like shopping through Swagbucks, because their $25 gcs are discounted by 12% Yes, I still look for discounts on free money 😂

  • Did some Wags deals (I still need to write a post), earned Ibotta cash and redeemed for a $25 gc that I used for some groceries at Sams today. 

  • Ordered quite a few freebies with my Birthday rewards. I can't even remember everything I 'bought' 😂

  • Ordered DS a Christmas gift and books for myself (B2G1F) from Target and used the last of my discounted (last December's 10% off deal) gcs and some earned ones from Microsoft & P&G. 

Other than my coats, dress and a pair of cutesy slippers, I didn't shop for myself. I only shopped for BF  & DS. I need one more item for DS (waiting to purchase my Target gcs tomorrow and will use that to pay for the gift), then I'm done with Christmas shopping. I'm ready to wrap gifts now. 

That's all I can think for now. I'm worn out just typing about the deals 😂 It's been a busy 2 weeks of shopping.

Have a wonderful weekend peeps! Stay healthy, safe & warm.

CVS for the win!

  Whoo! Last week was a good week at CVS. They had a great $10/25 beauty Q that printed for everyone and I had a 25% off full order DQ. Sadl...