Wednesday, June 5, 2024

3 Cheers for CVS & Tarjay!

Hi everyone

I'm still here. I've been busy, busy, busy. I went to the dreaded dentist today and have been so stressed about it. I haven't had an extraction in about 24-25 years, so I was nervous about what to expect. Not so much about the procedure, but this dentist has a HUGE staff turnover (this includes his partners), so you never know who you're gonna get. In SA, I had the same dentist from childhood until I moved here. I even visited him on one of our vacations to SA, I trust him so much. SA Drs & dentists aren't in the business for moneymaking. They genuinely care about what's best for your health so they usually have lifelong patients. 

So, they swabbed my mouth, then came the injections. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate needles? I'm not afraid of it, I just don't like it. When they were ready to start work, they asked how my mouth feels. I told them it doesn't really feel numb, but they can start & I'll tell them to stop if I feel anything. That is exactly what happened. So out comes the needle again. Uggggghhhhhh! I finally felt numb, but I was really nervous. I told myself to just think of BF (that's always happy thoughts 😉) to help myself relax. Next thing I know, they told me the extractions done. Wait, what?! I just started fantasizing about BF 😂 Phew! Huge sigh of relief that it was done so fast, so they started on the filling. They normally do filling first, but my tooth was lopsided so they wanted to work on that first. Filling also went well and I was happy to leave there. I sure hope I don't need any more dental work (other than cleaning) for a very lonnnnngggggg time. I hate the damn dentist!!

Well, I've been in pain since I got home (12:30 pm). The numbness is finally gone, but my mouth hurts and I have earache too. I just want to take a Tylenol & go to bed. I had some refried beans & ice cream for dinner (haven't eaten since breakfast). Every cloud has a silver lining 🍨😊 I only slept 4 hours last night, because a close friend of mine in SA keeps sending me these forwarded messages that wakes me up in the middle of the night 😡 I couldn't get back to sleep. I finally texted and asked her to not send me these messages, because it wakes me up every night (time difference). Besides, I don't read that forwarded stuff. 

Sorry, no pics today. I've been experiencing problems with my flash drive for a while, but it would still download pics. Well, part of it broke off in my computer's USB port today, so I'm ordering a new one. Hopefully, that's the only problem. It's one of those days. 

CVS has been so good to me. They keep sending me $ off Qs and I was more than happy to go spend it. Here's what I did.

Last week - Trans 1

I had a $4 Q that printed on my receipt the previous week and they also emailed me a $4 Q. 

2 x Maybelline baby lips $9.98

3 x Covergirl brow pencils 16.47

Less Maybelline DQ (3.00)

Less Covergirl DQ (3.00)

Less Covergirl DQ (5.00)

Less freebie Qs (8.00)

Tax 1.11

OOP $8.56

Earned $16 EB ($6 Maybelline, $10 Covergirl)

This high OOP was intentional. I wanted to build my EBs so that I don't constantly have to do a bunch of small transactions.

This week - Trans 2

I had a $3 paper Q and $4 email Q to use

3 x Neutrogena makeup remover wipes $23.97

Less DQs (4.00)

Less freebie Qs (7.00)

Less EB (10.00)

Tax 1.02

OOP $3.99

Earned $10 EB

I should've gone shopping on Sunday, because I had a B1G40% off 2nd Q that expired that day. I hate that drugstore in store prices are always higher than online. Still a good deal though.

Boo, CVS only gave me item specific Qs on my receipt, so I'm hoping I'll get an email one tomorrow. 

Tarjay (french for Target 😂)

Buy 4 beauty products earn $5 GC

1 x Dove b/w 6.99

1 x Dove plant based bar soap 5.29

1 x Colgate t/p 4.99

1 x OS bar soap 4.99

Less Dove b/w DQ (2.00)

Less Dove soap DQ (2.00)

Less Colgate DQ (3.00)

Less OS DQ (2.00)

Less 10% off Circle DQ (2.25)

Tax 0.93

OOP $11.94 - paid with Target gc

Earned $5 GC + $7 Ibotta ($2 Dove b/w, $3 Dove Soap, $2 Dove Bonus)

Total earned $12!

Whoo hoo! Tarjay's totally rocking it this week. Clip your DQs and head to the store & pay sales tax for 4 items. Easy peasy! I'm one happy mama & my guys get to try new OS soap. Win-win!


Number of items purchased: 12

Total Qs used : $40.72

Total Rewards used : $10.00

Total Rewards earned (RR, WC, Ibotta, Fetch): $38.00

Total OOP : $12.55 ($1.05 per item - this includes sales tax)

Total Retail value : $72.68

Rite aid who? CVS & Target's making me happy these days 😊 Well, until CVS stops giving me free money 😂

That's my shopping for this week peeps. I have boosters to use at Wags, but I don't want to spend large amounts of cash OOP. I want to use my WC, but the Catalina machines haven't been working well, so I'll wait to roll my rewards into RRs. 

Have a great week peeps!

CVS for the win!

  Whoo! Last week was a good week at CVS. They had a great $10/25 beauty Q that printed for everyone and I had a 25% off full order DQ. Sadl...