Saturday, September 14, 2024

I'm back!

Hi everyone!

I can't believe that summer went by so fast. Heck, I can't believe this year has gone by so fast. Only 3 months to Christmas and I'm so far behind. Thus far, I only have one gift purchased each for BF & DS.

I haven't done much drugstore shopping in a while, but a few weeks ago I got the gut feeling that I need to get back to taking advantage of the deals. It's not like we're low on or out of any HBA. We have plenty, but I have this nagging feeling that I need to stock up again. I don't know why. I don't know if it has anything to do with all RA stores closing in our state. CVS hardly has good deals, so Wags is the only drugstore with great stock up deals and no limits. Well, I 've noticed that most of their deals are on repeat lately and sometimes there are very slow weeks. Uh oh. I told BF that I don't want to shop because it's more things for me to move with, but I know enough to trust my gut. So off to Wags I went this week to do a small deal. 

Tresemme is Buy 2 get $5 RR

Trans 1

2 x Tresemme $12.00

Less DQ (5.00)

Less WC (5.00)

Tax 0.72

OOP $2.72

Earned $5 RR

Trans 2

 x Tresemme $12.00

Less DQ (5.00)

Less WC (4.00)

Tax 0.72

OOP $3.72

Earned $5 RR

I only had $4 WC available on this account, so that's what I used. I still have plenty rewards on my other account that I've slowly been spending down. $1 + tax (after rewards) for a bottle of Tresemme works for me. 

I've noticed lots of changes at various stores. My Target no longer carries the Old Spice Captain b/w, so I used some rewards last week to purchase some at Wags, cause that's our favorite fragrance. 

Dove has changed the formula of the Antibacterial b/w (my favorite). I learned this the hard way after I bought some the last time. I was out of b/w so I just grabbed one of the new bottles I purchased and headed to the shower, instead of having to get one out of my storage containers. I hated the new scent. I don't like floral or musky fragrances. This one smelled like sweet flowers and I ended up throwing out the entire bottle. I'm so glad I have lots that I purchased throughout the year, so I'm good for a while. I like their Sensitive one too and I'm hoping that they didn't change that one too. 

Walmart is no longer the cheapest grocery store. Their grocery prices are through the roof. I normally shop at Sams, then fill in the gaps at the grocery stores since they always have different items on sale every week. Walmart offers zero sale items, so their prices tend to be higher lately. I cherry pick at Aldi. I never could have imagined Sams becoming my go-to store, but it works out better for us, price wise. 

I'm definitely going to try to post more now that summer is over. 

Have a wonderful weekend peeps!


  1. It's great to see you back posting, we've missed you. I've noticed the same with grocery prices a Walmart. It definitely pays to know your prices. It bugs me when companies change their formulas and the product is different or worse just stop making a favorite product. Oil of Olay discontinued Bailey's favorite face wash and she hasn't ever found another favorite like that one. Glad you are back posting!

    1. Thank you Belinda! I'm even more determined to find the best grocery prices now that there's a port strike. Who knows how much prices will continue to increase. I stocked up on my favorite face wash too, because it's being discontinued. Thanks for the reminder, cause I need to check if I can find any more before it's completely gone. Turns out I'm not the only one who hates the new Dove. They have many complaints about it on their site.

  2. Hello! It's so good to see you post. Time is moving at warp speed isn't it? I've had that gut feeling myself lately and have been stocking up on everything. If nothing else, I'll be all set to do a no spend month or two. I've always felt the need to be stocked before winter sets in but this year it seems even more important for some reason. I'm glad to hear you're doing well!! xoxo

    1. Thank you Lori! I need to catch up on blog reading. Seems like quite a few people have been thinking of stockpiling. Sadly, my pantry is bare. I love to stock up for winter too, but I don't want to move with a bunch of food or waste any food. That no spend month is a great idea, especially with everything being so expensive these days. Hugs to you all!

  3. Happy to see you back posting. I've missed you. :)

    1. Thank you Kay! It's good to hear from you. Hope you are well!


Two weeks of Drugstore shopping

Hi everyone I apologize for my lack of posts and responses to comments. I've just had a full plate lately. Here's what I did at the ...