Friday, August 2, 2024

When 'Method to my Madness' pays off

As mentioned before, I've been downsizing my Ebay inventory so I can move. This a huge task. I'm already on my 2nd box of 90ct Sams trash bags that I've used to pack and donate the old inventory. I drop off at least 10-12 bags per week at the donation bins. 

Well, as I've been sorting through things, I pulled some of our 'old' clothing items and athletic shoes. Our clothes and shoes are in excellent condition. I used to earn so many gcs from point earning sites over the years, that I basically shopped for free for many years. So, I'd end up selling most of the items every time I got into closet purging mode. It wasn't that the items were bad, we just have an abundance of it. 

Now I know what y'all are thinking.... 'Ms Gee you said that you have too much clothes'. Yep, I still do.....but I've decided to keep some of the old items, because of the great quality. If any of you have been clothes shopping lately, you will find that the quality is by far more inferior than before and the prices are exorbitant. I checked athletic pants for DS at Sams yesterday and couldn't believe how thin it was. Everything is just junk - IMHO. So, I've decided to keep a few of our old things (I don't even know why I got rid of some of the stuff, because I found a few treasures) and will sell some of the newer stuff I bought instead. I always leave the tags on my items until I decide to wear it. So, I will be able to sell my newer items for far more than my old stuff, because it still has tags attached. And, we'll still have far better quality items to wear. I call that Win! I did the same with our athletic shoes. It's still in great condition. DS has enough of our old styles (new ones) available, but I only have 3 pairs left. So I decided to salvage an old pair that I had listed. Thank goodness it never sold, cause I can now get more wear out of it. The other brand I tried hurt my arches so I only wear it for short periods of time. 

Now I know that some of you think I'm cuckoo with my crazy shopping habits 😂, but BF gets me. He's like a breath of fresh air. He totally understands my craziness. Heck, he even agrees that we should get a new freezer 💖 The steam button on my iron broke a few months ago. The iron still worked great, so I just decided to keep using it. Then about a month ago, the iron started leaking water and it would turn cold (despite being turned on and plugged in). So guess what I did. I went into my stockpile and got out a new iron.  I mean who the heck stockpiles irons? 😂 Me ✋😂 In my defense, I bought that iron for my new home (heck, I bought all kinds of new things for my move. I'm starting afresh and I'm loving it! Okay, we're adding BF's items too, but you all know what I mean). You already know that I bought that iron on clearance. That's right! I didn't have to run to the store to buy a new iron and I didn't have to pay full price either. Now I will just keep an eye out for a sale price on a spare iron. Heck yeah, I'm getting another spare. Look how well this one worked out 😊

I also got a new charger from my stockpile for my phone & Ipad. I used my last charger until the wire was completely exposed. Hey, if it works then I'll keep using it (which I did). Well, it finally stopped charging, so I got out a new one. Every time we purchase new Apple products, I save the new chargers. I don't use it just because we now have new products. Heck no. I save it for a rainy day. Besides, we don't need to keep a pile of chargers out. I have 2 that I use regularly and the rest are still in the original boxes. If I ever decide to sell the boxes, I might get even more if I throw in brand new chargers too. TMTMM (There's method to my madness 😊). I did notice that the 'plug' USB part (whatever it's called) of the charger is now much smaller than the old ones, so I need to get a new adapter for my car, but that's an easy fix. 

So go ahead and save your spare or old items that are still in working condition. They always end up saving me $$$ and I'm absolutely loving it! 

I'm going to write about all the free money retailers have been sending me lately, next. I read about concerns about a possible US economy collapse, so I'm saving $$ wherever I can. 

Have a wonderful weekend peeps!


CVS for the win!

  Whoo! Last week was a good week at CVS. They had a great $10/25 beauty Q that printed for everyone and I had a 25% off full order DQ. Sadl...