Saturday, November 23, 2024

This week's drugstore shopping 11/17/24

Hi everyone

It's been a crazy week. We had a death in the family at the beginning of the week, I went to the dreaded dentist and it's that busy time of the year. I had to go drugstore shopping, because I had a pile of rewards expiring. Here's what I did

Favorite store πŸ˜‚ Y'all know what that means by now 😊

Trans 1

2 x Aussie B1G40% off 2nd $10.38

2 x Garnier shampoo 8.00

2 x Crest t/p 7.00

2 x Trident 3.00

Less Aussie DQ (4.00)

Less Garnier DQ (3.00)

Less Crest DQ (3.00)

Less Trident Q (3.00)

Less RR (9.00)

Less WC (5.00)

Tax 1.52

OOP $2.90

Earned $9 RR ($3 Garnier, $3 Crest, $3 Trident) + $3 WC (Aussie - see below)

Trans 2

2 x Aussie B1G40% off 2nd $10.38

2 x Garnier shampoo 8.00

2 x Crest t/p 7.00

2 x Trident 3.00

2 x Snuggle BOGOF 4.99

Less Aussie DQ (4.00)

Less Garnier DQ (3.00)

Less Crest DQ (3.00)

Less Trident Q (3.00)

Less RR (6.00)

Less WC (10.00)

Tax 1.82

OOP $6.19

Earned $9 RR ($3 Garnier, $3 Crest, $3 Trident) + $3 WC (Aussie - see below)

The Trident Q keeps getting rejected (it's happening nationwide), so the cashier manually entered it. I especially bought more Trident to get rid of the Qs, but it printed new ones. 

Just as I was about the leave the store, I realised that I didn't get any RRs for Aussie. So I got the manager and she added $6 WC to my account. I just showed her both receipts and she added everything to one account. No complaints from me, cause she added it to my account that's low on WC. 

Wags round 2. Before I went out, I told BF that I didn't know how long I was gonna be, because I'm stopping at my favorite store first. He already knows how that goes πŸ˜‚

Trans 1

2 x Aussie mousse B1G40% off 2nd  $9.58

2 x Garnier shampoo 8.00

Less Aussie DQ (3.00)

Less Garnier DQ (3.00)

Less WC (10.00)

Tax 1.05

OOP $2.63

Earned $24 RR ($3 Aussie, $3 Garnier)...

Wait for it!...

I had 2 Dentyne in this transaction too, because I want to get rid of these Qs. I already knew that the register would reject that Q, but I had a very stubborn cashier who refused to manually enter the  amount. Nope, she was gonna redo the whole transaction. Doesn't matter that I explained that it's happening at all stores and that the price matches the coupon value. By now the CAT machine had already printed RRs for the transaction. So she rescans everything, scans the Trident Q too, hits enter and whaddya know, it gets rejected again. Come on girl. I just explained the whole thing to you. Just enter the amount. The product even matches the pic on the Q. Nuh uh, she was gonna cancel the transaction AGAIN and redo it. The CAT machine just keeps printing and I told her to just exclude the gum and return the Q. So the 3rd transaction looked like the one above. So I'm over there wondering how she's gonna handle all those RRs, since she was too stubborn to enter the Q. Imagine my surprise when she handed me all the RRs. I politely thanked her and did my 2nd transaction. I actually didn't know that it printed more Gum RRs too, until I got home and checked everything. So her stubborness earned me an extra $18. Whoo-hoo! Compensation for all my time she wasted πŸ˜‚

Trans 2

2 x Aussie hairspray B1G40% off 2nd  $9.58

2 x Garnier shampoo 8.00

Less Aussie DQ (3.00)

Less Ganier DQ (3.00)

Less WC (5.00) I didn't have enough WC on this account to use $10.

Tax 1.05

OOP $7.63

Earned $6 RR ($3 Aussie, $3 Garnier)


Number of items purchased: 26

Total Qs used : $38.00

Total Rewards used : $45.00

Total Rewards earned (RR, WC, Ibotta, Fetch): $54.00

Total OOP : $19.35 ($0.74 per item - this includes sales tax)

Total Retail value : $128.94 (excl tax)

I stopped at CVS too, but I forgot to take pics. I didn't do anything spectacular. I just rolled the expiring EBs into the Eucerin deal that earn me $10 EB. 

Have a wonderful weekend peeps!

Friday, November 15, 2024

Frugal Friday 11/15/24


Not exactly frugal, but I wanted to say Thank you to Belinda for sharing about the Softsoap she purchased. I'm not using mine as gifts, so (geek that I am) crunched the numbers on whether the small bottles or the big refill bottle cost less per ounce. The big bottle was the clear winner (Ibotta added a rebate for it after I already purchased mine & it was too late to submit my receipt). This bottle will last a whole year by using my foaming soap dispenser.  I absolutely love mint flavored things and this scent smells yummy. A few frugal things I did recently.

  • Had an abundance of apples, so I decided to make apple muffins again. 

  • Added more cereal 'crumbs' (the crushed parts that's usually at the bottom of the box) to my ziploc bag. I have a muffin recipe that requires crushed Bran Flakes, so I just add the crumbs to my stash every time I open a box of cereal then add it to my baking. 

  • Used face scrub on my heels in the shower. The scrub works great and I just soften/moisturise the heels with Vaseline afterwards. I guess I created my own hack πŸ˜‚ I had a pumice stone with brush that broke years ago and I never bothered to replace it. Good thing, cause I have lots of face scrub to use πŸ˜‚

  • Received some items I ordered in large poly bags, so I used the bags in my office trash can (it's a 13 gallon bin/trash can), which saves me money on trash bags. 

  • Kohls had a BF sale last week, so I bought myself a spare coat for $50. Paid with earned gc (so free coat) and earned $15 Kohls cash. I still need to submit a ticket to Swagbucks, because I noticed that my cash back isn't pending. I normally use Rakuten, but Swagbucks had 6% cash back vs 1% at Rakuten. 

  • Received 10 rewards for my birthday thus far. Hooray for more free money! 

  • My CC once again had 15% discount on select gcs, so I used my points to get a BBW gc. I will use that during their semi annual sale (which is about the only time I shop there, unless they send me Qs for free items). I need to write a post about these discounted gcs. 

  • Received a $15 Eddie Bauer Q. I wasn't planning on using it, because I didn't want to pay shipping. Then I found some good t-shirts for DS on clearance (they had extra 60% off clearance), so I decided to just order his items, pay shipping and score myself 2 free t-shirts (with Q) too. 

    I tell ya, retailers love me. They keep sending me free money. As long as they're offering free shipping, I'm shopping πŸ˜‚πŸ›

  • Replaced lots of HBA items (shampoo, deodorant, body wash, moisturiser) from my stockpile. I love being able to just grab items from my stockpile any time we run out. 
I know there's more, but that's all I can remember now. 

Have a wonderful weekend peeps!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

This week's Wags tripping 11/10/24

Hi everyone

I finally got my computer issues fixed. Huge sigh of relief, cause it took me almost 2 weeks to do so. 

So, back to the deals it is. 


Buy 2 get $3 RR

Trident's on sale for 2/$3 this week. I didn't check the Dentyne price, but it might be the same.

2 x Trident $3.00

OOP $3.00

Earn $3 RR. 

This is not like a regular RR. You can ONLY use it on the gum, but it does not roll. If you purchase more gum & pay with the RR, you won't receive another RR. So, if you're looking to stock up on the gum, do a few deals and pay with cash, WC or any other RR. Then when you've had your fill, use the gum RRs to pay. 

I had $22 RRs expiring today, so here's what I did.

Trans 1

4 x Crest t/p $16.00
2 x Trident 3.00
Less Crest DQ (6.00)
Less RRs (11.00)
Tax 0.96
OOP $2.96

Earned $9 RR ($6 Crest, $3 Trident)

Wait a minute, no RRs printed. Cashier checked CAT machine and we notice that it wasn't even turned on 😑 So she tells me we'll use the other register. I asked her if she's gonna redo the transaction or just add my points. She said she'll add points, which I'm very happy about cause that gum RR doesn't roll. 

Trans 2

2 x Garnier $8.00
1 x Colgate t/p 4.50
1 x Colgate t/b 5.50
3 x Trident 4.50
Less Garnier DQ (3.00)
Less Colgate DQ (3.00)
Less Colgate DQ (3.00)
Less RR (11.00)
Less WC (3.00)
Tax 1.08
OOP $0.58

Earned $9 RR ($3 Garnier, $3 Colgate, $3 Trident)

My math was off on this transaction. I kept thinking my Garnier OOP would be $3 (instead of $5) 🀦and wanted to get my total over $11 to use my RRs. Yeah, my total was over $11 without that extra Trident πŸ˜‚ It's been one of those days. I couldn't even clip DQs online, cause they did site maintenance in the middle of the day. When it finally worked, my other account had no Garnier Qs. It had just vanished into thin air.

I also wanted to do a GC deal (that earns bonus gcs), but the cashier couldn't tell me which Wags gc works for the deal and there's no sign by the gcs. Sigh. 

No breakdown yet, cause I'm not sure if I'm done shopping at Wags for the week. 

Happy shopping peeps!

Monday, November 4, 2024

Menu Plan Monday 11/04/24

Hi everyone

I'm still dealing with computer issues, but I can at least write posts without pics 😊, so here's our menu for the week.

Monday : Slow cooker roast beef, mashed potatoes, veggies, gravy

Tuesday : Pesto chicken casserole & rice (there's veggies in the casserole)

Wednesday : Same as Monday

Thursday : Same as Tuesday

Friday : Either Sams pizza from the freezer or a mexican dish

Saturday : Red Robin (DS)

Breakfasts :  Banana oatmeal muffins, bacon, breakfast sausage, eggs or omelets, toast, chocolate brioche or raisin bread french toast, bagels, cereal, muesli

Lunch : Leftovers or protein from freezer with salad 

Dessert : Still no dessert, but I was tempted to buy a pumpkin pie to 'taste test' πŸ˜‚

There's always fresh salad fixings and a variety of fresh fruit & veg available. 

I had an abundance of overripe bananas, so banana muffins it is. I actually wanted cranberry muffins, but didn't want to freeze the bananas. 

The leftover roast beef will be saved to make beef pot pies next week. I always plan ahead this way when I buy a roast.

Has anyone had issues finding pie crusts at Aldi? I haven't found any in the past few weeks, but Sams saved the day with their Pillsbury crusts. 

As you can see I didn't bother much with cooking this week. The time change had me waking up an hour early today and I'm already dragging. 

Bon Appetit peeps!

CVS for the win!

  Whoo! Last week was a good week at CVS. They had a great $10/25 beauty Q that printed for everyone and I had a 25% off full order DQ. Sadl...