Saturday, April 13, 2024

Quick check in

Hi everyone

I can't believe it's been almost a month since my last post. Boy did the last Covid round kick my butt! I was sick for a little over a week, but it was bad this time around. All I did was sleep, I was so fatigued. Then I sustained a knee injury (back of knee) while working out and I've been in pain for the past few weeks. This is why I haven't posted anything. I've had a similar injury many moons ago & the Dr said it's from too much strain on the muscle. I need to ice the knee and rest the leg (elevate it). How am I gonna rest my leg if I need to move about half the time? I've been taking short walks in the backyard for exercise, cause I don't want to end up in pain halfway through my walk/run through the neighborhood. 

Yesterday was the worst day. I was in pain from the time I woke up until I went to bed. It was so bad, it made me feel sick to my stomach. I was fine when I got up today, but the pain started an hour after I got up. I've been rubbing my leg with icy hot half the time and that helps a bit. I then finally decided to take a Tylenol. We use very little drugs/medication, so I had to dig through my packed containers for some. Thankfully, I bought some at RA not too long ago (thankful for my couponing. It always saves the day whenever we have an unexpected need). Then I took a nap. That helped a lot, but the pain is back - not too bad though. I haven't iced my leg, because the water isn't connected to the fridge so we have no ice. I'm just gonna throw an ice pack into the freezer and hope that helps. 

I'm curious. Has anyone had any long term Covid side effects? I've had Covid 5 times already and after the 2nd time, I noticed that I cannot stand the smell of meat - fresh, cooked, lunch meat. Everything smells off to me. I'll buy fresh meat and then a day or 2 later, it smells bad to me. Same with lunch meat. It's just the strangest thing. 

For Jackie - I hope your back pain is better. My back pain is usually due to stress and an aromatherapy bath normally helps relax my back muscles. I use the BBW Stress relief body wash (I use it as foam bath too) and it works wonders for me. 

I'll try to post more regularly and catch up with everyone's blogs.

Have a wonderful weekend peeps!


  1. I have never had back of knee pain from an injury. I did have a politeal cyst from a torn medial meniscus. But, It went away, forgot how. There are other popliteal problems. Maybe that is the cause of pain. Look it up. I had covid three times and cannot tell when meat is off. It all smells bad, so I have Tommy smell everything. But, that is only raw meat. My problem is not so bad that it bothers me. I do hope it will get better instead of worse. My first round was the worst, not so bad compared to what other people get or what I expected. It lasted a week with three days the worst. I do hope you can smell better soon.

    1. Thank you Linda! My problem is with both raw & cooked meat. I do high intensity training, so it's easy to get injured with all that jumping around. I love it though :) I'm an action girl.

  2. Sorry to hear you've been sick. Long covid is a real thing. I hope you're back to feeling better soon.

    1. Thank you Lori! I'm thankful that it's not something worse.

  3. My back is much better, thank you. I was really getting worried about you. So glad to see a post from you.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie! I'm so happy to hear that your back is better.


Target & Wags Fun

It was one of those weeks. I was sick for 5 days, schools were closed until yesterday due to polar vortex & now DS is sick too. Thankful...