Monday, February 12, 2024

Menu Plan Monday 02/12/24

It's been a crazy day. Wags forced me to go shopping, because I had a bunch of RRs that were expiring today. Can't throw away good money. Well, guess who came home with more RRs 🤦😂 More on that tomorrow. It was a beautiful day to be out, so I stopped at a bunch of places. I love having sunshine. I don't care how cold it gets, as long as the sun's out, I'm happy. 

Our meal plan for this week:

Monday : Chicken roll with veggies

Tuesday : Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, veggies

Wednesday : Same as Monday

Thursday : Same as Tuesday

Friday : I'm actually considering carry out. I'm not sure yet. 

Saturday : Red Robin (DS)

Breakfasts : Carrot ginger muffins, eggs or omelets, bacon, toast, chocolate brioche french toast, cereal

Lunch : Leftovers or protein from freezer with salad 

Dessert : Still no dessert - we ate some cookies last week, but there's still a lot left

There's always a large variety of fresh fruit, veggies & salad fixings available

I had a few overripe bananas to use, so I decided on ginger muffins (we are a bit tired of banana muffins) since the recipe requires bananas. Guess who was out of AP flour. Thankfully, I had wheat flour and the muffins turned out fantastic. Oh boy, the flavor is spot on! When DS is in the zone, we end up with really delicious muffins. I don't know how he does it, cause he hates measuring. 

We've been doing really well with eating at home on Fridays, so I might get carry out for DS this week. I have gcs to use anyway. 

I only order RR for DS on Saturdays and make my own burger. The good news is that the extra fries (bottomless) is free, so I've been getting extra RR fries (for myself) with his meals. Not good, cause I've gained 2 lbs again 😢 Oh well, I just have to burn extra calories & watch my food intake tomorrow. 

Have a wonderful evening peeps!


  1. Nice menu. I am looking forward to seeing all your deals as well.

    God bless.

  2. We found a WAGS $10 gift card among Dad's stuff when we were cleaning out the other day. It must have been 10 years old or moe, I couldn't even look it u p on their website. I had to call the 800 number to find the balance.

    Your meals sound delicious. We love meatloaf here and will eat it until it is gone. That way, like you, I don't have to cook every single day. LOL

    1. That's awesome Belinda! I hope you are still able to use the gc. Meatloaf is so good! It sure won't be wasted

  3. The sun being out does make it seem so much warmer doesn't it? Your weekly meals sound delicious. I haven't made meatloaf in awhile and it sounds really good. Good you have DS in the kitchen to help. have a wonderful week.

    1. Thank you Lori! Sunshine makes everything better for me :) DS loves to bake, so he's very helpful. You too have a great week my friend!

  4. I am always in a good mood when the sun is shining. It can be hot or cold, just sunny.


Target & Wags Fun

It was one of those weeks. I was sick for 5 days, schools were closed until yesterday due to polar vortex & now DS is sick too. Thankful...