Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Wags fiasco

Oh boy, was Wags a pain in the patoot the last week and it's all because of the P&G promo. Well, Wags is well known for changing things in the middle of this promo (it's happened before). I've also read that they've had a system reset, so I'm not sure what the real reason is. I'm going to post my transactions and explain as I go along. 


Trans 1

3 x Olay b/w 21.00

2 x Kit Kat 2.00

Less Olay DQ (5.00)

Less RR (4.00)

Less WC (10.00)

Tax 1.26

OOP $5.26

Earned $10 RR ($5 Olay + $5 P&G)

Ugh, this was the beginning of the nightmare. I had a $5 PG RR and $4 RR. These both scanned, but then the screen said 'coupons rejected'. I know from prior experience that if the register doesn't accept just one RR, it will reject all RRs you're trying to use. Neither the cashier nor I could figure it out. She hit a bunch of keys and it finally accepted the $4 RR, but not the $5 one. So I told her that I'll just use the $5 one next time. The Olay totally threw me off too. I didn't expect the DQ to deduct, because I had different scents. I figured I'd just contact CS when I get home. Looks like Wags changed the rules again. I added 2 Kit Kats as filler for the RR. I only needed one, but it's $1.49 each or 2/$2. No brainer πŸ˜‚

Trans 2

2 x Pampers diapers $21.00

1 x Oral b t/b 3.00

1 x Burts bees t/p 3.50

Less Pampers DQ (3.00)

Less Burts Bees DQ (2.00)

Less Oral b DQ (1.00)

Less WC (20.00)

Tax 1.65

OOP 3.15

Earned $12 RR ($4 Pampers, $5 P&G, $3 Oral B/BB)

I didn't even attempt to use any RRs on this transaction πŸ˜‚When I got home and checked my Wags group, I learned that everyone else were experiencing problems with their RRs being rejected too. Not good, because I had a bunch of RRs expiring this week and the ad doesn't look good. So Saturday I headed to a different Wags. I'm glad I did, because this problem persisted until Monday. I don't even know if it's been fixed yet.

Trans 3

1 x Aveeno lotion $14.49

1 x Aveeno lotion B1G2nd 50% off 7.24

3 x Pantene 15.00

2 x Oral B t/b 6.00

1 x Dawn 1.29

Less Aveeno DQ (2.00)

Less Pantene DQ (5.00)

Less RRs (21.00)

Tax 2.64

OOP $18.66

Earned $17 RR ($10 Aveeno, $4 Pantene, $3 Oral B) + $7 WC (WYS $40 - I had a paper booster). 

Son of a gun! The darn register rejected all my RRs again (I had 4 and it included the P&G ones). However, I was mentally prepared for this. I explained to cashier that it's P&G and that it's rejected nationwide. I didn't originally have the Dawn, but added it once manager rerang the items so P&G RR would attach to it. No such luck, but the nice manager manually entered my RRs. Phew!

So, I still had 2 more $5 P&G to use (they have short expiration dates and I just wanted to use all RRs so I don't have to shop this week). I vaguely remembered a previous P&G RR stating 'on your purchase of $5 or more (I have a photographic memory). So I placed all my items back on the shelf (I had the exact same items for this transaction too, but already knew it wouldn't work) and grabbed 4 big bottles of Dawn since they're over $5 each. And whaddya know, the transaction went smoothly. I sure as heck don't need any Dawn, but I was glad to get through that Wags headache. 

Trans 4

4 x Dawn $23.56

Less DQ (0.50)

Less RR (15.00)

Less WC (5.00)

Tax 1.41

OOP $4.47

Earned $5 RR

Wags Breakdown for last week 

Number of items purchased: 37

Total Qs used : $44.50

Total Rewards used : $106.00

Total Rewards earned (RR, WC, Ibotta, Fetch): $83.00

Total OOP : $50.98 ($1.38 per item - this includes sales tax)

Total Retail value : $241.23

So I basically paid 21.13% of the retail value. Technically speaking, I paid 16.5% of the retail price, because $11.17 of my total OOP was sales tax. Tax isn't included in the retail price. Yeah, I'm a bit of a geek πŸ˜‚

The ads for this week didn't look too good & I'm not messing with any P&G deals this week. There is a good baby diaper deal if you have paper boosters. I've decided to just take this week off from drugstore shopping & I'm totally enjoying it. I think I'm burned out from shopping. I have Wags RRs expiring next week again, so it will be back to the shopping grindstone for me. The ad previews are decent, so I already have a plan πŸ˜‚

Happy shopping peeps!


  1. Even when things don't work out you still get really good deals with very little out of pocket.

    God bless.

  2. Even though they didn't work out, you still did so well!!


Target & Wags Fun

It was one of those weeks. I was sick for 5 days, schools were closed until yesterday due to polar vortex & now DS is sick too. Thankful...