Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Run to Wags!

Wags is on fire🔥 this week! They have a really great P&G promotion running through 11/02/24.

Spend $15-29.99 earn $5 RR

Spend $30-$49.99 earn $10 RR

Spend $50 or more earn $15 RR

The good news is that the P&G Q rolls. So you can use it on more P&G items and will earn another P&G Q. 

The bad news is that the Q expires 3 days after printing

I'm so glad I saved last week's paper boosters. Here's what I did:

Trans 1

2 x Dove b/w $14.00
2 x Crest t/p 18.00
2 x Loreal shampoo 10.00
1 x Colgate t/p 4.50
1 x Colgate t/b 4.50
2 x Dawn 1.98
Less Dove DQ (5.00)
Less Crest DQ (4.00)
Less Loreal DQ (3.00)
Less Colgate DQ (2.00)
Less Colgate DQ (2.00)
Less RRs (10.00)
Tax 3.18
OOP $30.16

Earned $17 WC ($10 WYS $45 Digital Booster + $7 WYS $35 Paper Booster) + $5 WC (see below) + $21 ($3 Dove, $4 Colgate, $4 Loreal, $5 Crest, $5 P&G WYS $15+) + $4.50 Ibotta (Crest)
Total earned : $47.50

Everything went great at Wags until checking out. The cashier hit enter after scanning all coupons and the register froze. It was just hanging & hanging & hanging. Then it would slowly apply one coupon every minute. I kid you not. I was very cool about it, but a long line had begun to form and they opened another register. 

My $5 Crest DQ didn't deduct so CS added $5 WC to my account. Ugh, what a pain. I got someone who can't speak a lick of English. I told her I don't understand what she was saying. She must've transferred me to someone else, because I finally got someone who I could understand and who knew what I was talking about. 

I added the Dawn as fillers, because this is Wags 😂 I wanted to make sure all my DQs deduct. Well, so much for that 😂

Trans 2

2 x Dove b/w $14.00
2 x Crest t/p 18.00
2 x Loreal shampoo 10.00
1 x Colgate t/p 4.50
1 x Colgate t/b 4.50
2 x Dawn 1.98
Less Dove DQ (5.00)
Less Crest DQ (5.00)
Less Crest DQ (4.00)
Less Loreal DQ (3.00)
Less Colgate DQ (2.00)
Less Colgate DQ (2.00)
Less RRs (10.00)
Tax 3.18
OOP $25.16

Earned $17 WC ($10 WYS $45 Digital Booster + $7 WYS $35 Paper Booster)  + $21 ($3 Dove, $4 Colgate, $4 Loreal, $5 Crest, $5 P&G WYS $15+) 

Total earned : $38.00

Thankfully, the register didn't hang this time and my $5 Crest Q applied. I wonder if it's cause the system was messed up during the first transaction, because I did the exact same deal. I'm waiting to see if Ibotta will reset. I doubt it will, because it never reset the Crest offer I used last week. Either way, it's still a MM transaction for me.

Trans 3

1 x Gain $15.99
Less DQ (4.00)
Less P&G RR (5.00)
Less WC (5.00)
Tax 0.96
OOP $2.95
Earned $5 P&G RR

The P&G is a Store Q (see top of coupon), so you can stack it with a Manufacturer's Q

So I decided to hit another store to roll the P&G RRs.

Trans 4

1 x Gain $15.99
Less P&G RR (5.00)
Less WC (10.00)
Tax 0.96
OOP $1.95
Earned $5 P&G RR

Well shucks. There was a line at this store and another lady ahead of me with a pile of Charmin in her cart. I knew that she was there for the P&G deal 😊They opened another register for her and then it was my turn to go to the first register. Thank goodness, because the CAT machine didn't work at her register. I really wasn't in the mood to wait on a manager to explain how much they owe me if the RRs didn't print. My RRs printed just fine. Phew!

But ugh, I just noticed that I didn't have the $4 DQ clipped. Double ugh. Oh well, I can now still use it next time and I had points to use.

Trans 5

2 x Pampers $21.00
Less DQ (3.00)
Less P&G RR (5.00)
Less WC (10.00)
Tax 1.26
OOP $4.26

Earned $9 RR ($4 Pampers, $5 P&G)

And then the register hung again. Sigh. Despite the few issues, Wags was fun. I'm ready to go back for more 😂

Here's a list of products that have been reported to work for rolling the P&G RR.

Gain - liquid & pods
Tide - liquid & pods
Charmin essentials
Downy -priced $12.99 & $15.99
Old Spice 
Always - the always have been reported to print a $5 off next feminine care Q instead of P&G, so you can't use that RR on just any other P&G items.

I'll do a breakdown at the end of the week. 

Happy shopping peeps!


Run to Wags!

Wags is on fire🔥 this week! They have a really great P&G promotion running through 11/02/24. Spend $15-29.99 earn $5 RR Spend $30-$49.9...